
DA: Ud af skyggen og ind i mørket

Efter en udgivelsespause på ti år træder det danske rock-orkester TYRANTS & KINGS ud af skyggerne og ind i mørket på deres nye album, den majestætiske dødsmesse ‘Sketches For A Requeim’ – et album fra et modent band med en ny minimalistisk tilgang til produktion og sangskrivning, der skærer ind til benet i sine personlige fortællinger om livet og døden.

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ENG: Out of the shadows and into the dark

After a ten-year hiatus, the Danish rock ensemble TYRANTS & KINGS emerges from the shadows and into the dark on their new album, the majestic ‘Sketches For A Requiem’ – an album from a mature band with a new minimalist approach to production and songwriting, cutting to the core in its personal tales of life and death.

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Reviews & Articles

Metalized, june 2024


Det var meget svært at få […] Pludselig var de der, og så var det hele slut igen. The Royal Highness og La Mancha blev udråbt til de nye, danske rock konger. Men de gik i opløsning. Genopstod i andre former, som f.eks. Tyrants & Kings, uden jeg nåede at give det noget opmærksomhed. Og så var der stille igen. Men pludselig er stilheden forbi, og ud af skyggen træder Dennis Kasten. Som en skyggernes Mumrik, og giver dne som en anden Cave, Dylan og Cohen i én askegrå manifestation. Jeg bøver mig helt i støvet over at blive suget ind i det her mørke, minimalistiske miljø hvor selv Sebastian Wolff fra Kellermensch må bede om at få lukket lidt solskin ind. Det har vel taget 10 års tid at skrive det her album, som er fuldstændig skåret ind til benet og fremstår ærligt, koldt og uhyggeligt som kun en eftertænksom sjæl kan formidle det.

Powerplay Magazine, june 2024


Tyrants & Kings are a Danish rock band who have been on a ten-year hiatus, and are ow back with their fourth album, which sees hem go in a different and more mature musical direction than before. The songs are hugely personal, ut they are all about the challenges we struggle with throughout life. The band aren’t really comparable to anyone else I’ve listened to, but the edginess, feeling, and the vocals make me think of Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan.
I’m always a fan of an album starting with a fat bass line, and ‘End Of An Endless Day’ does just that, the percussion giving it an unsettling feel before the deep, gruff, and resonating vocals come in. ‘Sketches For A Requiem’ is very raw, stripped back and emotive; at some points, such as in ‘Keep Your Eyes Open’, it is almost like the world might explode with the amount of feeling that comes from the climax and crescendos of the songs. There are no intricate, never-ending guitar solosand the vocals are very much the focus of each song, but this works. ‘My World Is Burning’ is a powerful example of this, and you find yourself captivated, but this is perhaps not an album to listen to if your mind is in a bad place.

Press Photos

Photo Credit: Kasper Pasinski, Kasper Pasinski Photography / @kasp81


Sketches For A Requiem
Out May 31st on streaming+vinyl

Presave now

Run! March! Burn!
(c) 2014

Listen on Spotify

Phosphor Anthems
(c) 2011

Listen on Spotify

Tyrants & Kings
(c) 2009

Listen on Spotify


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For booking or other inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

Mads Valter
T: 6166 5408